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Visual Communications Grad Is Visual Manager at West Elm

After a successful career at Target, Visual Communications Graduate Briana Neri is now the Visual Manager at West Elm in Emeryville, California. 

We recently chatted with her to learn more about her FIDM journey and exciting new role:

Where were you born and raised? I was born in San Francisco, CA and raised in Vallejo, CA.

How did you first hear of FIDM? I first heard about FIDM after graduating from high school. I’ve always been interested in design and fashion, so after searching for colleges that specialized in that field, FIDM was the first to come up and the only one that I was intrigued by.

Which campus did you attend? FIDM San Francisco.

Did you intern or work while in school? I worked multiple promo jobs as a brand ambassador for various companies such as DryBar, Bosch Power Tools, Xfinity, Ford, and more.

What jobs have you held since graduating from FIDM? My first job after graduating from FIDM was as the Visual Merchandising Leader at Target in Fairfield, California. The coolest thing about this opportunity was that I was the first ever VML at that location since they’ve been open. I felt honored to be able to set the tone and standard for this job, and the experience was legendary for me. I wanted to make sure that if and when I ever left, my work would be remembered forever.

Tell us about your current position at West Elm. After three years with Target, I moved on to my current job as the Visual Manager at West Elm. My duties range from all things operational to developing and mentoring visual talent among the team. I am one of four other managers, so we rotate operational duties which include opening/closing the store and registers, monitoring and analyzing sales reports, and ensuring operations run smoothly, from receiving new product in the stock room to closing a sale with a customer.

My visual duties include mapping out all floor sets throughout the year, coaching and mentoring the visual team, problem solving any merchandising opportunities that arise, and maintaining consistent communication with district/regional leaders on visual updates that take place within the store.

What are some of the best and most challenging aspects to this type of job? One of the best aspects of my job is that it's always a different day. While I may have my daily/weekly routines as the Visual Manager, every day is different in the sense that sales and promotions are ever changing, and priorities change based on sales, current events, and sometimes even visual communication that gets sent out from corporate. I love that I get to problem solve every day, and come up with creative solutions on how to inspire guests through effective merchandising.

The best part is seeing how guests react to my work and watching our sales numbers increase after spending time and effort in certain parts of the store that weren’t performing. As for the most challenging aspect about my job, I’d say having to constantly think on your feet because merchandising can sometimes feel like you’re playing Tetris by moving things around a thousand times before you find the right fit. The same goes for when huge shipments of new product come in with hardly any room on the sales floor. It’s the constant question of “How can I fit more to the floor without sacrificing shopability or visual standards?”

How did FIDM help prepare you for your career? FIDM has definitely helped with my current position at West Elm because every day I use the merchandising principles I learned there. I strive to tell clear and impactful stories with my displays by creating movement, dimension, height, et cetera, to ultimately create a work of art that inspires every guest that enters our store.

Categories:  Visual Communication